Inwardbound Institute
Rob Coffey, Co-Founder


Thank you to Inwardbound Institute for supporting The Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project, and for adopting an acre of a rainforest.

Hometree’s purpose is land regeneration, how does this align with your company/organisation?
We believe in increasing biodiversity in Ireland and regenerating the native Irish forest. Ireland was once a temperate rainforest, less than 1% of that forest remains. Projects like Hometree can help restore the balance that has been lost. We also are taking steps to offset our carbon footprint.

What is inspiring you to work with a regeneration process like Hometree?
Our retreats in the Netherlands enable us to give back to nature. Hometree and moy hill are an example of how communities can come together to restore the land.

Some of the trees you are planting you will not see mature, together we are working towards more abundant and biodiverse future, what you would like to invite into the future?
It is important to think longterm. The trees that are planted now are for the 7 generations to come.

List two ways you support this invitation at present?
Inwardbound are also associated with a permaculture project in the south of Spain called Danyadara, and have physically planted several thousand trees.

Do you have a memory that to share about a tree/forests/nature?
As Irish people, the forest is in our blood. We have an ancestral memory of what has been lost.

Other than Hometree can you celebrate other ways you or your organisation supports a healthier environment?
We help people re-connect to themselves, to each other and to the natural world through the use of psilocybin. Our purpose i reconnect people to themselves, to each other and to nature. We facilitate people's healing, trauma release, exploration of the unknown, non-ordinary states of consciousness or shift in perspectives. We promote the exploration of inner creativity and personal development.We want to raise consciousness to create a better human experience, to create community and contribute to the debate on the safe use of psychedelics through contained wellness retreats.

We’d love to hear and share any key lessons that life has taught you, in as little or man words as you like.
We are all dependent on the Earth. It is time for us to remember our ancestral wisdom and to live in harmony with the land.

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